I recently agreed to swap our fridge with my sister's sewing machine and overlocker. I spent a dedicated two hours scrubbing out the fridge then placed a saucer of coffee grains inside it to remove any persistent odours. With my part of the deal done and the fridge ready for delivery, it was with great joy that I awaited the arrival of my 'new' sewing machine and overlocker. Unfortunately, I got more than I had bargained for. Along with my machines, I was delivered of approximately 100,000 dead ants. It appears that the sewing machine had been a perfect nesting place for Toowoomba's ant population. When my sister had taken it down from its storage space above the roof beams in the shed, the ants had oozed out of the box like one of those old horror movies where ants take over the world. Luckily, my father had the presence of mind to put the entire thing into a large plastic bag, spray copious amounts of bug killer into the bag and close it tight. Equals fumigation chamber. On arrival at my house, the ants had been well and truly gassed but I still had the job of cleaning them out...a job which took a good two hours and involved spanners, screwdrivers, brooms, cloths and toothbrushes...