27 February 2014

Rubbish or treasure?

I like old things and have been collecting old plates and tins for some time. I actually take a keen interest in anything discarded by others. After all, one man's rubbish is another man's treasure! We have been doing a lot of walking lately and have been saddened by the amount of rubbish that is discarded along our driveway. This detritus is usually no ones treasure so we have been collecting and discarding it properly with our own rubbish. However I always look at it. One day last week, I found an empty plastic packet that had once contained a hand warmer. Interesting! On another day, we were walking along the main street in town. Local residents had put their rubbish bags out for collection and, in one bag, I noticed a beautiful old tin. "Oh, I would really like that tin!" I said to Stu as I moved towards the bag, eyes gleaming in anticipation and arms outstretched ready to rip it open. Unfortunately, Stu's heavy hand stopped me and pulled me back. "Don't even think of it, Steptoe!"


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