30 June 2015

A summer breakfast...as fresh as it gets!

I nordic walk every morning before breakfast.

I always do 5km unless I'm feeling especially energetic when I do an 8-10km (about twice a week).

This morning, I was just setting off when I noticed a spotted carpet of ripe fruit under the yellow plum tree which hangs over the driveway.

I thought about nothing else for the next 5km.

On returning home, I dropped my sticks at the door, grabbed the cane basket thatnwe use for collecting fruit and vegetables and headed back down the driveway to gather a golden feast.

In a very short time, the basket was full and I returned home to create breakfast.

Our standard breakfast is organic rolled oats (soaked overnight to release minerals), coconut oil, greek yoghurt, cinnamon, almond meal and fruit.

This morning the fruit was fresh organic yellow plums...


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